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    الاثنين، 16 يوليو 2012

    The Hamedya Massacre in Hama

    Syria- The Hama Massacre 
    49 citizens killed by Assad’s regime forces in few hours

    On Monday 16/07/2012, The Syrian regime forces had carried out a fierce military campaign on the neighbourhood of al-Hamedya besieging the neighbourhood since the early morning; as army troops started raiding the neighbourhood, the Free Syrian Army members available at therein battled and stopped them. Seven Free Syrian Army members were killed in those fierce battles. As usual, the Syrian regime’s army troops indiscriminately and intensively shelled the neighbourhood as a collective punishment where many citizens were killed and wounded. After the fierce shelling, army troops raided this residential neighbourhood where they have arrested more than 60 citizens while beating and humiliating them in addition to looting many home and vandalizing what they were not able to steal from these houses whose owners have been arrested.
    Indiscriminate shelling concentrated on al-Hamedya neighbourhood, particularly the quarters of al-Hamedya and al-Sharqya. Syrian regime army troops have burned down a home in al-Maarawy killing a whole family of a mother and 4 children. Syrian regime army troops raided, as well, the neighbourhoods of Aleppo Road, Bab Qibli where many citizens were wounded.
    By contacting eyewitnesses, families and relatives of the victims, 49 victims including 15 Free Syrian Army members were killed either due to indiscriminate shelling or arrested after they ran out of ammunition to be then extra judicially and arbitrarily executed with gunfire. Then Syrian regime army troops have dismembered and burned some of the bodies. In addition, Syrian regime army troops have arrested 5 defected soldiers and killed them with gunfire.
    The Syrian Network for Human Rights (SNHR) & the Damascus Centre for Human Rights Studies (DCHRS) strongly condemn this massacre of historic proportion which amounts to a crime against humanity, as well as all other massacres perpetrated by the Syrian regime against the Syrian people around the clock. SNHR & DCHRS hold the Syrian regime and Bashar al-Assad, head of state and Commander-in-Chief of the Syrian regime’s army, completely and directly responsible for all of those massacres and their implications and consequences. SNHR and DCHRS call on the United Nations and the UN Security Council to swiftly take all necessary measures to protect civilians and fulfil their legal and moral responsibilities by accelerating the indictment of all those responsible for the perpetration of these massacres to the International Criminal Court (ICC).
    Testimony about the horrible massacre perpetrated by the Syrian regime army troops by a woman, eyewitness, from al-Hamedya
    Testimony about the horrible massacre perpetrated by the Syrian regime army troops by an eyewitness who had been wounded due to indiscriminate shelling
    Hamza Muhammad al-Homsi
    A victim killed by Assad’s forces, no one were able to pull out the body from the street because of snipers
    Videos showing aftermath of devastation inflicted by the Syrian regime army troops’ shelling on the neighbourhood
    Windows and cars’ windows glass got broken due to random shelling
    A wounded citizen in the al-Hamedya makeshift hospital; he has been wounded due to bombs and shells that fell on the neighbourhood
    Verified names of the victims:
    1- Muhammad Ghalib al-Saffaf /Aleppo Road/ 45 years old killed with sniper fire.
    2- Rajih al-Douri /Bab Qibli/ 50 years old killed with gunfire by army forces who dragged his body in streets.
    3- Safya Mansour/al-Hamedya/ killed in indiscriminate shelling that targeted her home.
    4- Ahmad Dhab’oun /al-Hamedya/ killed in indiscriminate shelling that targeted their home.
    5- Yasser Dhab’oun /al-Hamedya/ killed in indiscriminate shelling that targeted their home.
    6- Aya Dhab’oun /al-Hamedya/ killed in indiscriminate shelling that targeted their home.
    7- Badr Hinnou /al-Hamedya/ extra judicially executed by army troops who raided his house.
    8- Baraa al-Hajja /al-Hamedya/ 25 years old young man extra judicially executed by army troops who raided his house.
    9- Dhirar al-Nasser /al-Hamedya/ extra judicially executed by army troops who raided his house.
    10- Ahmad Dabbagh /al-Hamedya/ extra judicially executed by army troops who raided his house.
    11- Ahmad Said Habbat /al-Hamedya/ 25 year old young man killed by army troops.
    12- Nawras Barkawi /al-Hamedya/ killed by army troops.
    13- Khalid Barkawi /al-Hamedya/ killed by army troops.
    14- Muhammad Hattoul al-Banat /al-Hamedya/ killed by army troops.
    15- Infant, Hyam al-Shmali, 18 months years old /al-Hamedya/ killed in indiscriminate shelling.
    16- Abou Hassan al-Dhirawi /al-Hamedya/ defected soldier killed by army troops.
    17- Mwafaq al-Nashar /al-Hamedya/ killed by army troops.
    18- Muhammad Nassan /al-Hamedya/ killed by army troops.
    19- Hazim Khabazya /al-Hamedya/ killed by army troops.
    20- Qutaiba Zaarour /al-Hamedya/ killed by army troops.
    21- Muhammad Nour Hamada /al-Hamedya/ killed by army troops.
    22- Muhammad Ghalib /al-Hamedya/ killed by army troops.
    23- Musaab al-Nassan /al-Hamedya/ killed by army troops.
    24- Baraa Fardawi /al-Hamedya/ killed by army troops.
    25- Umar Fardawi /Aleppo Road/ 21 years young man old killed by army troops.
    26- Zakaria al-Badi /Aleppo Road/ 14 years old child killed by army troops.
    27- Nidhal Salih al-Sheikh Abdou /Qlaideen/ /Aleppo Road/ 21 years old killed by army troops.
    28- Khalid Rahmou Khallouf /Aleppo Road/ 18 years old young man killed with gunfire at al-Sakan al-Shababi.
    29- Nawaf Assaqa /al-Hamedya/ killed by army troops.
    30- Mustafa al-Doulani /al-Hamedya/ killed by army troops.
    31- Mahmoud Abou Ibrahim /al-Hamedya/ killed by army troops.
    32- Masaad Habat /al-Hamedya/ killed by army troops.
    33- Abdul Majeed Abou Mwafaq /al-Hamedya/ killed by army troops.
    34- Badou Husseik /al-Hamedya/ killed by army troops.
    35- Rami al-Hassan /al-Hamedya/ killed by army troops.
    36- Zahir Abou Nakir /al-Hamedya/ killed by army troops.
    37- Baraa Uday /al-Hamedya/ killed by army troops.
    38- Hamza Abou Anas /al-Hamedya/ killed by army troops.
    39- Ahmad Abou Saddam /al-Hamedya/ killed by army troops.
    40- Ahmad al-Moussa /al-Hamedya/ killed by army troops.
    41- Muhammad Abou Umar /al-Hamedya/ killed by army troops.
    42- Muhammad Abou Kassar /al-Hamedya/ killed by army troops.
    43- Muhammad Abou Mutaz /al-Hamedya/ killed by army troops.
    44- Mamza Muhammad al-Homsi /Aleppo Road/ 23 years old young man died of a gunshot in the chest.
    These are five defected soldiers arrested and immediately extra judicially executed with gunfire by the Syrian regime army troops who lead them forcibly to the medical complex putting black sacs on their heads
    1- Alaa Zeinou /al-Hamedya/ army defector
    2- Mustafa Yousfan /al-Hamedya/ army defector
    3- Zakaria Jarjoumi /al-Hamedya/ army defector
    4- Muhammad /al-Hamedya/ army defector
    5- Mustafa /al-Hamedya/ army defector

    الاثنين، 16 يوليو 2012 | | |

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