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    الثلاثاء، 21 أغسطس 2012

    الجريحة حسناء أم عبدو

    الجريحة حسناء أم عبدو
    حمص | العمر 38 عام

    استشهد زوجها وطفليها الإثنين بسبب إستهدافهم بقذيفة هاون أثناء محاولتهم النزوح عن مدينة حمص , كما أدى ذلك إلى إصابتها بشكل بالغ, مما استدعى لنقلها إلى مشفى طرابلس بلبنان حيث تم بتر كلا ساقيها.

    تم التقاط هذه الصورة بتاريخ 21/08/2012.

    Hasna Um Abdou, 38, who lost her legs in a Syrian government mortar shelling, which also killed her two children and her husband in March as they fled their home in Homs, Syria by motorcycle, sits on her bed at a hospital in the northern port city of Tripoli, Lebanon on Tuesday, August 21, 2012. Um Abdou is one of thousands of Syrians who have been wounded in the uprising against Assad and its aftermath. Hundreds of the wounded have been taken for treatment in neighboring countries, mostly to Lebanon, Turkey and Jordan. More than 55,000 Syrians in all have taken refuge in Lebanon, itself a small country of just 3.5 million people that is struggling with instability. AP / Hussein Malla

    الثلاثاء، 21 أغسطس 2012 | | | |

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