محافظة درعا | قرية سحم الجولان
01/09/2012 - 1965
اعتُقل قبل الثورة بسبب موقفه السياسي وفي أثنائها بسبب معالجته للمتظاهرين الجرحى. يُعتبر من أشهر جراحي درعا ومن أبرز العاملين في المجال الطبي الإغاثي. كما كان من حفظة القرآن ومحباً لعمل الخير. اغتالته عصابات الاسد برصاصتين استقرت إحداهما في صدره والأخرى في رأسه على بعد أمتار قليلة من منزله الواقع في ضاحية الصحفيين بمدينة درعا

نشط في المجال الطبي الإغاثي منذ انطلاقة الثورة و لم يتوانى لحظة واحدة عن تلبيه نداء الفزعة لأي مصاب أو مريض مهما كانت الظروف . وكان للطبيب نشاطات سياسية معارضة قبل الثورة حيث تم توقيفه عدة مرات اطولها 9 اشهر لمناهضته النظام وعلى اثرها تم فصله من مشفى درعا الوطني بقرار أمني.
وفي ظل الثورة اعتقلته المخابرات الجوية مرتين وكانت التهمة الموجهة اليه هي (علاج جرحى المظاهرات). فآخر اعتقال له كان يوم الجمعة 25/05/2012 الذي استمر /19/ يوماً, خرج وعليه اثار التعذيب, كما تم تهديده بالتصفية في حال استمرار نشاطه السياسي. بالرغم من ذلك رفض الطبيب مغادرة درعا الى الدول المجاورة .
وفي ظل الثورة اعتقلته المخابرات الجوية مرتين وكانت التهمة الموجهة اليه هي (علاج جرحى المظاهرات). فآخر اعتقال له كان يوم الجمعة 25/05/2012 الذي استمر /19/ يوماً, خرج وعليه اثار التعذيب, كما تم تهديده بالتصفية في حال استمرار نشاطه السياسي. بالرغم من ذلك رفض الطبيب مغادرة درعا الى الدول المجاورة .
الشهيد الطبيب عيسى عجاج حائز على عدد من الشهادات والاختصاصات وهي:
- ماجستير في الجراحة العامة
- جراحة جهاز الهضم والغدة الدرقية
- الثدي الدوالي
- الفتق
- جراحة الاطفال
- استئصال المرارة
– جراحة تنظيرية عمليات السمنة
- ماجستير في الجراحة العامة
- جراحة جهاز الهضم والغدة الدرقية
- الثدي الدوالي
- الفتق
- جراحة الاطفال
- استئصال المرارة
– جراحة تنظيرية عمليات السمنة
تعجز الكلمات دائما عن توصيف الرجال الذين ضحوا بكل شيء لأجل ثورة العزة و الكرامة في سوريا .بطل جديد من أبطال هذه الثورة يضاف لآلاف الأبطال الشهداء لن يكونوا أبداً أرقاماً تتداولها نشرات الأخبار بل هم رموز و قادة سبقونا إلى الشهادة و مهدوا الطريق لنا لنلحقهم أو ننتصر لهم .
وفاءً و إجلالاً الى الشهيد الطبيب عيسى عجاج
محمد أبو حوران, الناطق باسم تجمع أحرار حوران على قناة العربية الحدث, متحدثاً من درعا عن اوضاع المحافظة وعملية اغتيال الطبيب عيسى عبد الرحمن عجاج
On Saturday, 1st of September, 18 martrys fell from Darraa among them a child who was kidnapped and his body mutilated by the Assad army and was found in Al-Qadam in Damascus slaughtered by knives. The cities of Daraa were shelled by aeroplanes and rockets and houses of activists were burned.
Among the martyrs of Dara was Dr Issa Ajjaj, one of the most prominent medical staff in Daraa city known for his activity in emergency cases and medical relief during the revolution. Since the beginning of the revolution he never hesitated to respond to any appeal from wounded civilians in Daraa. He was arrested several times by the Air Force Intelligence to keep him away from fulfilling his duty towards his people in his home province - Daraa. The longest time he was under arrest lasted for 9 month and he was dismissed from Daraa National Hospital. And he was tortured during his arrest. The last time he was arrested on the Friday titled "Damascus Our Meeting is Soon" on the 25th of May, 2012 during which he was tortured for 19 days and left prison with torture marks on his body. Although the Assad forces threatened him of assassination in case he continued his support for the revolution by treating wounded peaceful demonstrators, he refused to leave the country to save his life.
People working on Daraa news said "words cannot describe the heroism of great men who sacrifice everything for the Sake of God and for the sake of the revolution of pride and dignity in Syria. Dr. Ajjaj is one of the heroes of Syria that is added to the thousands of Syrian martyrs. And they will never ever be numbers that are circulated on pages' news, they are our own symbols and leaders who have gone before us to pave the way either for our martyrdom or for attaining victory for the sake of their own blood. Oh our heroes, oh our hero, congratulation your martyrdom. We promise to fulfil the covenant between us and the tax of blood that you have paid wont be lost". Dr Ajajj was born in 1965 and is considered one of the most skilled surgeon in Daraa province. Dr Issa Abdurrahman Ajjaj, from Saham Al-Golan in Daraa, was shot twice in head and chest by Assad barbaric thugs for using his career for the service of humanity.
He attains martyrdom on the 1st of September 2012, May God engulf him with his mercy and blessings of heaven.
Among the martyrs of Dara was Dr Issa Ajjaj, one of the most prominent medical staff in Daraa city known for his activity in emergency cases and medical relief during the revolution. Since the beginning of the revolution he never hesitated to respond to any appeal from wounded civilians in Daraa. He was arrested several times by the Air Force Intelligence to keep him away from fulfilling his duty towards his people in his home province - Daraa. The longest time he was under arrest lasted for 9 month and he was dismissed from Daraa National Hospital. And he was tortured during his arrest. The last time he was arrested on the Friday titled "Damascus Our Meeting is Soon" on the 25th of May, 2012 during which he was tortured for 19 days and left prison with torture marks on his body. Although the Assad forces threatened him of assassination in case he continued his support for the revolution by treating wounded peaceful demonstrators, he refused to leave the country to save his life.
People working on Daraa news said "words cannot describe the heroism of great men who sacrifice everything for the Sake of God and for the sake of the revolution of pride and dignity in Syria. Dr. Ajjaj is one of the heroes of Syria that is added to the thousands of Syrian martyrs. And they will never ever be numbers that are circulated on pages' news, they are our own symbols and leaders who have gone before us to pave the way either for our martyrdom or for attaining victory for the sake of their own blood. Oh our heroes, oh our hero, congratulation your martyrdom. We promise to fulfil the covenant between us and the tax of blood that you have paid wont be lost". Dr Ajajj was born in 1965 and is considered one of the most skilled surgeon in Daraa province. Dr Issa Abdurrahman Ajjaj, from Saham Al-Golan in Daraa, was shot twice in head and chest by Assad barbaric thugs for using his career for the service of humanity.
He attains martyrdom on the 1st of September 2012, May God engulf him with his mercy and blessings of heaven.
رحمك الله يا دكتور كنت من خيرة الرجال في هذا البلد .. رحمك الله فقد احبك كل من عرفك , و كنت قدوة لكل من عرف اخلاقك التي مثلت بها اخلاق المسلم .. اللهم ارزقنا الشهادة في سبيلك